If I’ve learned anything during my life of drinking it surely is that one day it will all change. The ups and downs and the consequences I’m willing to pay to pick up that drink. It’s not always a direct result of my drinking, but somewhere intertwined in the picture there sits a drink. Usually it’s more about my thinking and reactions to events due to years of letting drinking run my life. Let’s just say my growth as a healthy guy has been slow.

Yet through it all I strongly believe the sun will shine on a healthy life for me.  I’m not one to give up, throw in the towel or let this be my identity forever. That is just not me it’s to easy. I’m always searching and moving in the direction of happiness.

With the tons of help out there for kicking the drink and being happy it will happen. I have been using many different avenues to conquer my demons. This Naked Mind, Hip Sobriety, Jason Vale, Russell Brand, Tommy Rosen, Veronica Val and the “fellowship”. I also see a therapist which adds more commitment to my plan.

What I realized is not one person, program or book has the complete answer. Yet by taking all of the pieces I gather from all these great people my life will grow. More importantly I feel I’m building my plan, I’m in control of this train. I’m old school in believing no one makes me drink only I can pick up that glass or bottle and pour it down my throat. And only I can choose to give up or get right back at it.

So here I am at another fork in the road. My life circumstances have changed again. Where it will lead me I don’t know and that’s how I like it. But I can tell you one thing for sure, I won’t give up this is all to exciting for that and their are so many people out there to help me.

The sun has raised on a new chapter of my life. The photo above I took while working at Stowe Mountain Resort one early morning. It is a metaphor for my life. Never give up each day is a new beginning. And so it is…